Backyard Chicken: Natural Method of Deworming and Worm Prevention

Worms likes to live inside our chickens and most of these little worms cause many problems, compromising and deteriorating the health of our chickens. So as I know you love your chickens very much, I am going to show you some methods to prevent, detects and correct the problem of worms in your poultry birds.  

How does the parasites (worm) gets to our poultry birds?
There are two major ways by which our birds get internal parasites (worm).

1. The Direct way: when a bird that has worm defecates, the excreta can contains thousands of eggs or many worms and they can survive on the floor for several months and other chicken can acquire the same parasites by feeding on the droppings.
2. The second method is indirect: When other animals defecates somewhere else, this excretes  infested with worms are carried by flies and ants, because our chicken can be so curious eats this ants and flies carrying eggs and worms, thereby developing worms in their internal organ.

Some symptoms of worm infested Chicken
1. Weight Lose
2. Very slow weight gain
3. Weakness
4. Increase in food intake
5. Diarrhea
6. Blood in their stool
7. They keep beaks open as they grasp for air as they find it difficult to breath
8. Drop in eggs production
9. Poor feathering
10. They stretch their necks to be able to breathe.
11. The presence of worms in the stool and sometimes there are even death due to anemia.

These worm causes internal damage in places where they stay, causing anemia and hemorrhage. We can say that internal parasites not only damage the intestine but also feed on all the nutrients in the birds and they can also release toxins inside our chicken.

Natural Method of De-worming
With the above reasons, we need to prepare ourselves and our birds against this problem. To combat this challenge, we need the following natural deworming agents to fight this internal parasites (worms)

1.     Garlic in Chicken feed: This can be mixed or crushed and then dissolved in water, if possible, supply garlic powder or crush for 4 or 5 days, once in every month.
2.     Peppers can also be used for this purpose too, I suspect the substance in the pepper called capsaicin that acts as a defense to worm attack, the pepper are supply in small pieces in the chicken feed.
3.     The pumpkin seeds- this classic is mainly used by breeders of traditional poultry farmers in North America, the pumpkin seed is used grounded, 10grams per hen three times a day until you can see dead worms in their droppings.
4.     Another traditional remedy is Apple cider vinegar in water at an average quantity.
5.     Cucumbers also help to prevent the problem of internal parasites.

The big onion chopped and supply directly with the food or in the water that the hens drinks is also usually use. In some occasions I have read that striped carrot also fights the parasites.

I am sure that with the materials that I mentioned pumpkin seeds, peppers, garlic, vinegar, big onions, all these things are natural and have many advantages, you can use them combine without any problem. For example you can make a mixture of pumpkin seeds flour with wormwood, garlic and a little molasses to give cohesion. mixing with molasses not only helps the chickens accept it more easily but helps to detoxify the chickens body, although the use of molasses should not be abuse because it could cause diarrhea when you make a mixture and supply this to the chicken for 10 days.

The general recommendation is not to use too much garlic and onion because the eggs your hens lay can get the taste of garlic or onion

Another advantage of using natural anti-parasitic is not only for deworming them but also to clean the birds inside. it also provide other nutrients such as; pumpkin seeds when you use pumpkin seeds in the food of roosters and hens it contributes things like proteins amino acid, fiber, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in addition, these element helps in the recovery of your hen after having suffering the attack of worms or other diseases.

With natural herbs and spices there is no problem. Natural products improve the quality of chickens’ droppings if you would want to use them for compost manure.

Remember that the recommendation is , every two months you perform preventive treatment with natural herbs, either in the food or in the water that the chicken drink, do it this way to combat the attack of internal parasites.

Preventive Method
This is something really crucial, that’s why I am discussing this with you. So that you can be very well informed and prepared in each situation, also to help you improve the result of your poultry project. As regards the parasites, you should know that high percentage of parasite attack occurs because the parasite find environment that are good for them.
As a poultry owner, its your duty to make the environment uncomfortable for this parasite but eggs and worms

·        Do your best to keep the floor of your hen house always dry for this reason use materials such as wood shaving chip or rice husk.
·        It is necessary to change the material that you use in the ground when that material has gotten to a certain use.
·        Make sure that the areas where chicken roam have good drainage. Dry soil reduces the risk of parasites
·        Avoid the crowding of chickens providing space for your chicken is vital you must improve the quality of life of your animals. Chickens feel happier when they have space to run.
·        If possible use mesh wire so that wild birds do not enter into your poultry house. Wild birds bring different parasites from other places and contaminate your flock.
·        Sunlight is also very important to kill parasites. the rays of the sun destroy the eggs that leaves the parasites on the ground for this reason, if your hens walk free, it is better to have a low lawn, in this way the ultraviolet rays of the sun penetrate through the lawn and the eggs of the parasites would be eliminated
·        Perform grazing rotation, you can also use mobile chicken coops to move chicken from one place to another.
·        The water in the drinker must always be clean.

With this, I have come to the end of this piece. De-worming your chicken is very important, especially with natural herbs. Healthy chickens are happy chickens.