9 Other Lucrative Poultry Business Other Than Meat and Egg

Poultry business is a very lucrative business due to its versatility and productive branches. Though as much as people are venturing into it, they are also leaving the business in mass due to miss management or high mortality rate. Some blame it on the cost of feed and others.

However, as a poultry farmer, as part of egg and meat production, there are other products you can add or sell from your poultry farm to either the final consumer or co poultry farmers. These would reduce your cost of production and improve your profit margin.

Now to the topic 9 other lucrative poultry businesses other than meat and eggs.

1.       Provision of Slaughter and Chicken Dressing House for Local poultry Farmers
Poultry business with an eye for good presentation of poultry products would bring in higher profits. Packaging in any business is a key factor for more profits. And most local farmers cannot afford slaughter and dressing equipment, so you been in this business will help them to get this service and affordable too. Their chicken would be cleanly slaughtered, well dressed, and beautifully packaged for the customer. You would be paid for the service while they safe time, get a good packaged products and make more profits.
You can imagine how much you would be making every weekend, though depending on how many chickens you slaughter, package, and iced.

2.       Feather Product
Do you know that those expensive fluffy throw pillows, mattresses contain feathers stuck inside them? Well, you may not know, but now you know. To try this, get a cloth bag, get enough amount of your poultry feathers, well-trimmed and stuck them inside the clothe bag, feel the texture and smoothness on your skin. You can get these feathers as much and sell them to the furniture and home decor makers in your community. Fowl feathers can also be used for ornament designs.

3.       Egg Shell
Most eggshells are wasting away at the eatery of confectionary stores and restaurants because it’s a waste to them. However, as an experienced poultry farmer, you know that this eggshell are calcium product for your laying birds. And also knows that calcium deficiency in poultry birds can affect their eggs, causes bent legs, and even lead to death. So collecting the eggshell can help calcium meal production which you can sell to other farmers or can be used to produce scurry powder for scrubbing black cooking pots and others. These two products from eggshells are sort after in the market and this will increase your profit margin.

4.       Poultry Consultant
If you have been in the poultry farming for over 3 years, non-stop, with an average profit margin, low the mortality rate of 3-5%, reduced cost of feeding to 10% with the right market chicken sizes and also reduced food wastages in a technically intelligent method. Then you can be a good consultant to other poultry farmers. You can sell this knowledge  in the form of service to farmers and get paid for it.

5.       Poultry Food production
Poultry feeds are mostly three, the started, grower, and finisher, they can either be in the mash or pellet form. As a farmer, you can start the mash production in any of the starter, grower or finisher feed type. When you produce your own food in excess, you can sell excess feed to other local farmers. Apart from this reducing, your cost of feeding, it will also give you extra profit from another source. This also gives you confidence on the component of your feed composition instead of the commercial feed.

6.       Poultry Equipment
Poultry equipment is very important in any serious farm. This equipment ranges from feeder, drinker, protection, measurement, and more, depending on what the situation demand. Take for example the feeder, most poultry farmers make use of the Aluminum coated feed pan, this gets rust after sometimes which are dangerous to the birds because of the lead production leading to food poisoning. As a businessman, if you can design and make an alternative feeder, long-lasting and doesn’t waste feed. You would be in marketing making more profit from the local farmers. There are other areas, such as building a chicken coop to prevent predators.
Poultry equipment is a very lucrative arm of the poultry business, research on this, and sees more money coming in for you. You can get ideas HERE

7.       Poultry Waste
The best manure for your farm is the natural manure, and this can be gotten composting poultry droppings. They serve for the soil and farm produce. If you are into organic poultry farming, a well-composted poultry waste can help grow your forage on time to provide feed for your poultry. However, this manure can be bagged and sold to neighbors and community members who have gardens or farmland to fertilizer there farm. This will give you some money to keep running your farm. To learn about composting chicken dropping click HERE.

8.       Chicken Food Business
I may be wrong on this, most poultry farmers hard eat their poultry birds, not because they don’t want to or because they are feed with bad components, No, I guess, they are more conscious of the profit margin than the taste of the birds, while some only eat dying birds to reduce losses. Anyways, Chicken food business is a lucrative one. When you rear your birds, it helps to reduce the cost of your chicken, thereby increasing your profit.
Think of a recipe that your local dwellers would enjoy and make it affordable for them, in no time, you will be selling other products such as wine and soft drinks to go along with it. Most local food vendors do not add affordable chicken recipe to their menu list which leave big restaurants/eatery to enjoy this business alone as well enjoy the profit alone.

9.       Selling of eBooks
As an experienced poultry farmer, you can put all the knowledge you have gathered over the years in a book format and sell to farmers both far and near. But such a book must be easily applicable by the farmers. It must be a book that shows how to, either in pictorial, infographic, or stepwise format for easy use. For how to design an infographic book click HERE

This list cannot be exhaustible, but if you can think and look around your farm, you will get an idea of what the farmer next door may be suffering from. Think and create a solution to that problem, apply that solution to the problem, if you get the result you desire. Good, that is a means to generate more income, if the answer is not satisfactory to you, improve on it until you are satisfied, that could be a major break in the poultry farming business.

I wish you success in your endeavor.